020 8315 4800

020 8315 4800

Routes to employment

From September 2024, we will be expanding our college offer to include a new Routes to Employment course.

Based in Greenwich, students will learn the workplace skills needed to gain and sustain employment.

During the first year of the course, teaching will focus on skills acquisition, covering modules in IT, communication, functional English and maths, as well as travel training. Learning will be delivered through a mix of classroom and practical sessions, with support tailored to each student’s needs and aspirations.

Students will work towards consolidating and applying the skills they have developed in a work setting through internal work experience or placements with external partners over the length of the course.

Employability skills including CV writing, interview preparation and practice and guidance on conducting a job search will form part of the programme, with students taking accredited NOCN qualifications as they prepare to take next steps.

What makes us different?
  • The workplace is our college campus – Our state-of-the-art office campus introduces students to a real work environment.
  • Our location – we are based in the Greenwich Peninsula, at the heart of a vibrant and creative business community.
  • Access to employers – we work in partnership with our network of employers and organisations to create opportunities for students to gain work experience and undertake placements.
  • We are aspirational – we have high expectations for our students and their outcomes. Our Routes to Employment course will set our young people on future pathways to further learning, training and employment.
  • Support – our skilled staff provide just the right level of support, increasing confidence and independence.

  • Registrations of interest for our September 2024 Routes to Employment course are now open.

    Interested in finding out more? Email transitions@nash.livability.org.uk or call 020 8315 4844.