020 7452 2020

020 7452 2020

Life after college

Education at Nash College is a springboard to launch our students into adult life. Even before starting at the College we will be focusing on looking ahead to life after college.

The transition and learning plans helps students’ progress towards learning outcomes which will support post college destinations. The aim is that all students will have fulfilled lives after college, which means that all aspects of their life will be considered and challenges for the future identified. This will include:

  • Work
  • Employment
  • Future learning
  • Where to live
  • Family and friendships
  • Being part of the community

We know that making the transition from college is a crucial time in a student’s life, and we work closely with other agencies to make that process as smooth as possible.

We support the student and their family to plan early and well for the future, with a comprehensive transition plan. When a new placement is found or life plan confirmed, we work proactively with the new providers and agencies.

Visits by students to new placements and services and visits from their staff are actively encouraged. Detailed information is shared openly. All of this helps the student to build upon the skills they have acquired at College.